Tips on maintaining your sandstone pavers in Melbourne

 One of the most common paving materials from Melbourne is Sandstone. It is considered suitable for almost any weather type. In residential and commercial projects throughout the world, it is commonly used for exterior paving. In addition to the sandstone's appearance in a rustic environment in various colours, it is naturally anti-skid and quickly absorbs moisture. The paving of sandstone is very common. Melbourne's sandstone tiles can be easily cut, carved and processed in sandstone manufacturing plants and placed in different areas, including gardens, backyards and front yards. 

Sandstone paving is further enriched with unique characteristics that strengthen with natural weathering and ageing and can last decades with minimal maintenance if properly built. Here we give some useful tips for installing sandstone pavers quickly and easily:

Putting the grass in the Sandstone Paving:

Melbourne's sandstone pavers are proposed to be placed on the grass, and you can conclude the pavement plan before constructing a foundation. You can either choose similarly identical pavers or choose pavers of different sizes, depending on your preference.

Melbourne's sandstone Pavers are positioned at the border of the layout First:

It would be best if you started by covering the edge of your pavement for a durable and rigid pavement. Put the sandstone closely around the edge of the floor plan. When completed, switch to the middle progressively until the entire pattern is protected.

Usage of reasonably dry cement to form the base:

Prepare a blend of Portland cement and 2/3 of the water required for the blend. This mix should be applied at the base of all pavers of sandstone. In contrast to wet cement, this slightly dry cement establishes a more substantial relation with sandstone.

Wrapping Up

As mentioned above, the cement/water mixture should be used as grout in the same proportions. Use the grout to fill up the gaps completely between pavers. Remove all excess cement using a soft wet tube and a dry cloth from the paving surface. These few points enable you to create a very rigid and sturdy pavement, which will last with little care and maintenance for decades after construction. For more information, you can get in touch with Aushen Stones for your sandstone tiles


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